The world is waiting for you to show up as your authentic self!

Would you delay acting on God's instructions, or would you step forward with unwavering faith, secure in the knowledge that God is with you and failure is not an option?


Imagine that every facet of your life flourishes. From your family and relationships to your business endeavors—everything you touch thrives beyond measure!

Transformation coaching

  • Are you unsure of what God is calling you to do? Are you feeling stuck on how to pursue your dreams? Let me help you!

  • Do you feel like you've lost yourself in the midst of all you've been through and now you are afraid to step out and take risks??

  • You find yourself coming up with excuses about why you are the way you are?


  • Have you gone through some difficult things in the past: rejection, hurts, trauma, challenging circumstances that may have caused you to stop dreaming and believing?

  • Have you dealt with “father wounds” in your past? Because of this, you find it hard to relate to God and see him as your father Or how to relate to men?

  • Have you lost your identity somewhere in the midst of all of these past experiences?

  • Do you feel stuck in not being able to form healthy relationships?? 

If you answer yes to any of these questions, allow me to coach you.

I help individuals achieve significant and lasting changes.

This is ALL possible. I'll show you how!

Learn ways to overcome limiting beliefs and start to dream bigger!

Obtain a readily actionable plan to put into effect right away.

Discover the key to communication technique that leads to success.

Discover immediate strategies to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals successfully.

What if you could...

I know what it feels like to have low self esteem, feeling inadequate and unable to move forward in my personal development goals. But, once I learned the skills and gained insights, my life has been forever changed!

I know what it's like to feel that way too.

"Father wounds", rejection, limiting beliefs, self sabotage, unresolved trauma, feelings of inadequacy... Learn from someone who can help and knows where to start.

Unlock your full potential to lead and take dominion over your God Given assignment.

Start your journey today in becoming the empowered woman of God you were created to be.

You deserve better than just going through the motions.

Let us Coach you

The world is eagerly yearning to see the the reveal of the gifts that are hidden inside of you. 

Strategic work on dreaming with god and goal setting

This includes breakthrough strategies and skills you need to succeed in life

1:1 Personalized Feedback & Support

This is where we explore beyond the surface to gain deeper insights into complex problems or situations.

ground breaking & foundational work 

This Program is Focused on Getting You Results in 3 Core Ways

Sign Me Up!

By the end of this coaching, we are confident that you will be equipped with the tools you need to Transform your Life!

Yep, you get all of that.

Download Free

Avoid the 7 Pitfalls that can keep you from your inheritance

Download The Free resource Guide

My goal is to show you that your brokenness does not have to define or disqualify you from achieving a beautiful and fulfilling life.

If you're ready to break free from the chains of limitations, DIVORCE YOURSELF FROM THE OPINION OF MEN and get unstuck, I am here as your trusted coach. 

Contrary to popular opinion, your life can be transformed from brokenness into something so inspiring and extraordinary that your story will be celebrated and shared far and wide. 

How much does this coaching cost?

well, this sounds amazing.

It's time to step into what God told you to do and stop letting the fear of men divert you away from your calling and purpose. 

i'm all in!


  • This plan includes everything in the 6 sessions of 1:1 coaching

  • Plus Kingdom Business Training  

  • Mindset around money 

  • Branding, email and online marketing

  • How to set up automation, sales funnels, how to integrate payment channels
  • Master Resell Rights of the Digital Course

Pay in full for $1297 $997

1:1Coaching + entrepreneurship training

get started!

Full Payment $797

  • This plan includes 1: 1 Ground breaking and laying the foundational work

  • Mindset Coaching 

  • Breakthrough Strategies because Failure is NOT an option

  • Personalized Feedback & Support

  • Strategic Work on Dreaming with God and Goal Setting

Get started for $797

6 sessions 1:1 Coaching

Married but living as roommates? We know what that feels like. With over 21 years of experience, allow us to coach you to success.

We offer separate coaching for married couples

Do you often find yourself giving your spouse the "silent treatment"? You are married but you live together like room mates? No sex, no romance just miserable?? Do you find yourself yelling at each other or arguing all the time? Can't agree on finances? Do you need help understanding each other so that you can become a “power couple”?

You have a God given assignment as a couple, Let us help you discover what it is so that you can begin to take territory over your kingdom.


Are you married? Then this section is for you!

-  Cristina A.

 “I have so much gratitude towards Lara, that I truly can’t put them into words, she has been and continues to be an extremely valuable instrument in my life. Lara has contributed so much, but so much to my growth in the Lord I was a baby in diapers when it came to spiritual things and the word of the the Lord, but God knew I need it someone like her to know Him better. Not only has she helped me but continues to help me in my spiritual growth and also in so many areas of my personal life. Thank you Lara from the bottom of my heart for being such a valuable instrument that God has placed in my life. With tears in my eyes I say Thank you for helping me being more eager to know about the Lord.”

"Not only has she helped me but continues to help me in my spiritual growth and also in so many areas of my personal life.."

You are comfortable with life happening around you.

You aren't ready for this type of change in your life.

You are not ready to stop the negative thoughts/patterns, release your money fears and blockage, and improve your relationships.

You are not ready 

If you are not willing to be committed to learning new skills, then this is not for you.

You can't commit to anything

You are ok with your limiting beliefs and self sabotaging yourself

You are ok with living life by default

This is not for you if...

but will this work for me?

You know very well you were made for more!! You are ready to unlock your full potential to lead and take dominion over your God given assignment.

You are ready to stop living below your potential

If you are ready to commit to do what it takes to see changes in your life

You are committed

If you are the type of person who says, I'm tired of where I am right now. I know there is so much more for me but I don't know exactly how to get there. Then this coaching is for you. 

If you are ready to upgrade your life...

This is for you if...

but will this work for me?

“Lara is compassionate and loyal in her teachings. She is the Fire of God in flesh (You can’t help but to be on fire for God after being in Lara’s presence)! My life has been forever changed by this godly woman, and for that I am forevermore grateful to my Heavenly Father for placing Lara in the path of my life.” 

- Angela M.

"My life has been forever changed by this godly woman!"

Forever CHANGeD!

“I’ve known Lara several years and she has a passion for people to get their focus on the right path for success, not just in business, but also for daily living and relationships. Lara has been faithful and trustworthy in my own life sharing the knowledge and wisdom she has learned and implemented in her own life. She has spoken into my life and given me straight direction in the areas of parenting, finance and always giving honor to the Lord. She has been given wisdom beyond her years and I am so grateful to her for blessing me with that wisdom.”
-Jacqueline Y.

"She has spoken into my life and given me straight direction in the areas of parenting, finance and always giving honor to the Lord." 

I Got Direction in various areas of Life

Meet your coach- 
I've used the principles that I teach you in this program to:
+ overcome self sabotage and said goodbye to limiting beliefs.
+ owns and manages several real estate properties worth millions of dollars, all over the country.

+ have an amazing and successful marriage for over 21 yrs, raising God fearing arrows, budding entrepreneurs and professionals.

You see the pattern here?
You don't need much experience to be a success in the field that you want to rise to the top in, but you do need some skills, knowledge, and more importantly the faith and courage to step all in and put in the work.

I grew up being told "my life would never amount to anything". Having firsthand experience with the consequences of sabotaging my success due to buried limiting beliefs, insecurities, and brokenness from father wounds- I understand the struggles and challenges. Let me show you how to make your past as a catalyst to propel you into your brighter future.

Why learn from me?

I Am Confident That Our Coaching Sessions Will Be A Transformative Experience That Will Help You Unlock Your Full Potential, Make Profound Changes That Will Enable You To Live With Greater Purpose, Passion, And Fulfillment.

I Am Truly Honored To Be Your Coach And Excited To Begin Our Work Together.

Thank You For Entrusting Me With This Journey.



It’s decision time. Don't miss out because you choose to live your life on auto pilot. 
You were made for MORE!

If you've made it here, you're most likely ready to turn your brokenness into your breakthrough. We'll show you how!